For over seven years, EHSAS’81 Foundation has served our community of budding children in their process to achieve their dreams – kids who have the spark but unfortunately are missing the means. In 2023, we are wanting to break our barriers to aim higher and create more support to raise funds for our proposed projects in the field of education and health.
EHSAS’81 Scholarships
We support under-privileged students, typicall in Grade 5 or 6 to complete their school education without the need to drop out due to economic compusions of their homes. To ensure we get the most of the money donated, we have used a cluster apporach and partnered with like minded schools and NGOs who can not only help identify needy and bright students but also co-sponsor the economic support.

Beyond the ChequeBook

In our mission to support the under-privileged, we go the extra mile to offer a Holistic solution , including: Professional counseling & support for children & their families; Non academic financial support for families of children before and during COVID; Laptops and smart phones for children for online classes; Blood work of children done through Dr. Dang’s Path Labs followed by evaluation and provision of supplements; Health insurance policy for children every year.
MNK Program
The programme is named after the great man himself, our Principal Mr. Mahendra Nath Kapoor, or Bond as he was famously referred to. EHSAS’81 is an endeavour inspired by Bond, who continues to live with us, within us and maybe even through us at the Foundation. Through this programme we may be able to give wings to a few beautiful souls as he envisioned.

Dear Departed

The thought came while we were reminiscing about folks we shared our journey with in school. Interesting tidbits from the passage of time, each had something to say. Some memories were sparkling clear while some blurred.
It was nostalgia all the way through!
And then the idea popped up as to why not create a legacy of sorts for our fellow travellers, those who departed too soon – to remember them through our memories and those of their families, inspiring the scholars of EHSAS’81 for the legacy to be carried on.
Our Class of 1981 has lost 14 noble souls and we wish to consecrate each of their memories with a named scholarship or project. We are open to suggestions.
Living Legends
They walk among us and yet we do not recognize they for what they have acheived in their respective fields in the service of mankind and nation-building. Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, and more.
We wish to honor each one of them with a named scholarship or project. We are open to suggestions.